We will gather together theorists, experimentalists, and experts on numerical methods in the field of SU(N) physics.
8-12 Jul 2024 Sendai (Japan)


Abstracts can be found here.

Presentation guide

All the talks will be recorded but we will not use it for the purpose other than the organizational ones.

Invited talks

  • 60 minutes (50 mins + 10 mins)
  • Time should be managed by themselves.
  • Please bring your PC with an HDMI connection.

Oral presentations

  • 30 minutes (25 mins + 5 mins)
  • Time should be managed by themselves.
  • Please bring your PC with an HDMI connection.

All oral presenters are allowed to bring their own poster to stimulate discussions, as well as poster presenters. Details can be found here.

Poster presentations

Details can be found here. If you wish to apply to the poster preview, you should send a pdf to the organizers.

Chairperson guide

  • Chairs must announce whether the timeslot is 60 mins (invited) or 30 mins (contributed) in the beginning for each talk.
  • If the talk is cancelled or delayed in the beginning, there is no change in the other schedules, i.e. a cancelled talk becomes just a break for everyone.
  • Please do not differentiate invited and contributed talks, apart from the difference in the time length. It is not necessary to have an introduction for invited speakers.
  • As for the hybrid system (Zoom), questions from the Zoom chat will be taken care of by the organizing committee. This means that sometimes the chair may not have a right to select which questions to take. Instead, the online questions can be selected by the organizers in order to make the hybrid workshop work smoothly.

Invited talks

  • Massimo Capone: Novel Mott states and enhanced responses in systems with controlled broken SU(N) symmetry
  • Simon Fölling: TBA
  • Kaden R. A. Hazzard: What can the SU(N) Hubbard model teach us about correlated matter?
  • Loïc Herviou: iDMRG simulations of the SU(N) J1-J2 spin chains
  • Hui-Ke Jin: Density matrix renormalization group boosted by Gutzwiller projected wave functions and its applications to SU(4) quantum magnetism
  • Matthieu Mambrini: SU(N) symmetric Projected Entangled Pair States : construction and applications
  • Pierre Nataf: Numerical methods to investigate SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard models
  • Rui Sakano: Theory and experiment on current noise of SU(N) Anderson impurity
  • Richard T. Scalettar: Quantum Simulation Studies of the SU(3) Fermi-Hubbard Model
  • Florian Schreck: Towards encoding a qudit in the nuclear spin of 87-Sr
  • Owen Sheekey: Inter-valley coherence, intrinsic and extrinsic spin-orbit coupling in rhombohedral graphene
  • Yosuke Takasu: Quantum simulation using ultracold Yb atoms with SU(N) symmetry
  • Andreas Weichselbaum: QSpace: An open-source tensor library for Abelian and non-Abelian symmetries

Oral presentations

  • Luigi Amico: Fractional quantization of SU(N) matter-wave persistent currents
  • Wayne Jordan Chetcuti: Probe for bound states of SU(3) fermions and colour deconfinement
  • Juan Polo Gomez: Flow of an SU(N) fermionic matter-wave through a localized barrier
  • Chen-How Huang: Symmetry Breaking Patterns in Itinerant SU(N) Ferromagnetism
  • Akihisa Koga: Ferromagnetic instability for the SU(N) Hubbard model
  • Rico Pohle: Dynamics of SU(3) spin coherent states: semiclassical method and its application to spin nematics and spin liquids in spin-1 magnets
  • Cancelled

Poster presentations

  • Kaiji Motoyama: Three-body Fermi-liquid effects on transport through the U=∞ SU(N) Anderson impurity
  • Cancelled
  • Cancelled

Online posters

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