We will gather together theorists, experimentalists, and experts on numerical methods in the field of SU(N) physics.
8-12 Jul 2024 Sendai (Japan)

Invited speakers

Invited speakers list (alphabetical)

  • Massimo Capone (SISSA)
  • Simon Fölling (LMU-Munich)
  • Kaden R. A. Hazzard (Rice)
  • Loïc Herviou (CNRS)
  • Hui-Ke Jin (TUMunich)
  • Matthieu Mambrini (CNRS)
  • Pierre Nataf (CNRS)
  • Rui Sakano (Keio)
  • Richard T. Scalettar (UCDavis)
  • Florian Schreck* (Amsterdam)
  • Owen Sheekey (UCSB)
  • Yosuke Takasu (Kyoto)
  • Andreas Weichselbaum (BNL)

* Online participation. 

Titles/Abstracts can be found here.

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